
First Holy Communion 2024

Parish Programme

Special Preparation Mass

Saturday 24th February 2024 at 6.30pm

Celebration of God’s Forgiveness (First Confession)

St. Brigid’s Primary School
Tuesday 12th March @ 7.00pm – (Ms Brogan / Ms Berry / Mr. Kelly)
Wednesday 13th March @ 7.00pm - (Ms Keane, Ms Heffernan, Ms Boyle)
Kildare Educate Together - Thursday 14th March @ 7.00pm
Gaelscoil Mhic Aodha - Friday 15th March @ 7.00pm

Special Preparation Mass

Saturday 23rd March at 6.30pm

Celebration of First Holy Communion 2024


St. Brigid’s Primary School
Tuesday 30th April @ 5.00pm (Ms Brogan / Ms Berry / Mr. Kelly)
Wednesday 1st May @ 5.00pm - (Ms Keane / Ms Heffernan / Ms Boyle)
Kildare Educate Together - Thursday 2nd May @ 5.00pm
Gaelscoil Mhic Aodha - Friday 3rd May @ 5.00pm


Any of the weekend masses during the month of May
Saturday 6.30pm Sunday 9am Sunday 11am
Please contact the Parish Office to arrange reservation for your family seat

The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is one of the seven sacraments of the church. It was instituted by Jesus Christ during his Last Supper. Giving his disciples bread and wine during the Passover meal, Jesus commanded his followers to “do this in memory of me” while referring to the bread as “my body” and the wine as “my blood”. The Eucharist is the very sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus which He instituted to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until His return in glory. Thus He entrusted to His Church this memorial of His death and Resurrection.

The Tabernacle On entering a church, we genuflect to the tabernacle that holds the consecrated host in order to respectfully acknowledge the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, a presence to which a votive candle or sanctuary lamp kept burning close to such a tabernacle draws attention. First Holy Communion As well as an important year in the life of each child, this is also an important year for their class, their teachers, and for parents/guardians. It is also a special time too for the parish community. A child’s faith journey began the day they were baptised.  First Holy Communion takes them on another step in their faith journey.

As part of our preparation for First Penance and First Holy Communion, we run a parish based programme, ‘Do this in Memory’. Information on this programme will be shared with classes preparing for First Penance and First Holy Communion.